a climbing and outdoor adventure blog

Posts tagged “Weeping Wall

Last days of the Weeping Wall

Another awesome day on the ice, as Mike and I headed out for our first climb together. The Weeping Wall beckoned, and as it was forecast to be a cold, cloudy day, we figured it was safe to climb. From the parking lot, the ice looked sunbaked over most of the wall, but we found a bluish line up the middle-left side. Quick walk later and we were climbing!

As it turned out, the sun was out in full force and even as we were climbing in the shade, quite a few icicles came down beside us! We made it off the south-west facing wall of ice before the sun hit and after a rather lengthy rope-tangled and wet rappel later, we were back at the truck and headed home.

All in all, another great day out!

Mike leading the first pitch, the bulk of the Weeping Wall towering above.

Mike stepping out into the 3rd pitch.

Not many photos this time around, I guess. Short but good day out!